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Canal visível 0,47μm, ou “Azul”, é uma das duas bandas visíveis no sensor ABI/GOES16 e fornece dados que podem ser utilizados para monitoramento de aerossóis. As imagens obtidas pelo sensor ABI/GOES são utilizadas para monitorar a Terra, a atmosfera e os oceanos. A refletância medida (radiância) dentro das bandas do espectro visível e infravermelho é convertida em valores de brilho e temperaturas de brilho, respectivamente. Esses valores são usados para gerar uma variedade de produtos que auxiliam os meteorologistas e especialistas no monitoramento e na previsão de vários tipos de eventos meteorológicos, do oceano e outros fenômenos relacionados ao clima. Os dados enviados pelo satélite GOES-16 são recebidos em tempo real na estação de recepção localizada no INPE de Cachoeira Paulista, onde são processados e armazenados.
Earth Observation Data Cube generated from CBERS-4/WFI and CBERS-4A/WFI Level-4 SR products over Brazil extension. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 64 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_LG grid Version 2 (BDC_LG V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 8 days using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.
This is a land cover classification map of Brazilian Caatinga, from January to December of 2017. This classification was made on top of Landsat-8 16 days data cubes with spatial resolution of 30 meters, using the best pixel composition function named as Least Cloud Cover First (LCF), which was previously named Stack in BDC older versions. The input datacube was Landsat-8 - OLI - Cube Stack 16 days - v001, which was deprecated. The classification model was trained using 9324 sample points of the classes Agriculture 172, Country formation 577, Forest (Formação florestal) 222, Savanna 4819, Pasture 3538. The spectral band used were B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, along with the vegetation indices EVI and NDVI; the clouded observation were identified using the Fmask algorithm and estimated using linear interpolation. The classification algorithm was Random Forest. The post-processing consisted on cropping the images to the biome's boundary. This product was funded by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).
This is a land cover classification map of Brazilian Mata Atlantica, from January to December of 2017. This classification was made on top of Landsat-8 days data cubes with spatial resolution of 30 meters, using the best pixel composition function named as Least Cloud Cover First (LCF), which was previously named Stack in BDC older versions. The input datacube was Landsat-8 - OLI - Cube Stack 16 days - v001, which was deprecated. The classification model was trained using 13442 sample points of the classes Agriculture 2668, Planted forest 823, Forest (Formação florestal) 3754, Pasture 6197. The spectral bands used were B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, along with the vegetation indices EVI and NDVI; the clouded observation were identified using the Fmask algorithm and estimated using linear interpolation. The classification algorithm was Random Forest. The post-processing consisted on cropping the images to the biome's boundary. This product was funded by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).
Earth Observation Data Cube generated from CBERS-4/MUX Level-4 SR product over Brazil extension. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 20 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_MD grid Version 2 (BDC_MD V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 2 months using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.
Earth Observation Data Cube generated from CBERS-4/WFI Level-4 SR product over Brazil extension. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 64 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_LG grid Version 2 (BDC_LG V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 16 days using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.
Sentinel-2 image mosaic of Brazilian Yanomami Indigenous Territory with 10m of spatial resolution. The mosaic was prepared to support the partnership between the INPE's Health Information Investigation Laboratory (LiSS) and the ICIT-FIOCRUZ Health Information Laboratory (LIS) a multi-institutional body coordinated by Fiocruz and the ministry of health, by creating a health situation database of the Yanomami Indigenous Land. The false color composition is based on the MSI bands 11, 8A and 4 assigned to RGB channels. The temporal composition encompasses 06-months of images, starting in April 2019 and ending in September 2022, with a best pixel selection approach called Least Cloud Cover First (LCF). More information on LCF can be found at Brazil Data Cube web site ( This Image Mosaic used more than 15000 Sentinel-2 scenes and was generated based on an existing data cube of Sentinel-2 images.
Earth Observation Data Cube generated from Copernicus Sentinel-2/MSI Level-2A product over Brazil. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 10 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_SM grid Version 2 (BDC_SM V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 16 days using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.
Radiação Solar Global incidente à superfície. Cada arquivo (média mensal consiste em uma imagem, onde cada pixel representa a radiação solar global descente à superfície em unidades de irradiância (W m2). Os dados apresentam diferentes resoluções espaciais (média mensal).
Copernicus Sentinel-2/MSI Level-2A product over Brazil. Level-2A product provides orthorectified surface reflectance images (Bottom-Of-Atmosphere - BOA). This dataset is provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG).