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  • This dataset contains limnologic data from field campaigns carried out from 2006 to 2012 in the Amazon region. These data were acquired in collaboration with Institute of Research for Development (IRD) researchers. The campaign was composed by a field site: Janauacá lake.

  • This dataset contains radiometric (total water leaving radiance - Lw; sky radiance - Lsky, and downwelling irradiance above water surface - Es) data for the Alcatrazes field mission that was carried out in September 2023.

  • This dataset contains radiometric and limnologic data from LabISA’s field campaign carried out in December 2021 in the Billings reservoir, located in São Paulo State, Brazil. These data were acquired in the context of the MAPAQUALI project (FAPESP-Grant 2020/14613-8).

  • This dataset contains radiometric (total water leaving radiance - Lw; sky radiance - Lsky, and downwelling irradiance above water surface - Es) data for the São Sebastião channel field mission that was carried out in November 2023.

  • O objetivo foi criar um conjunto de dados com todas as lâminas de água detectáveis nas imagens RapidEye disponíveis para o Brasil todo. Método: Fatiamento da Componente Matiz de uma composição de RGB de bandas multiespectrais.

  • The modeling of the underwater light fields is essential for the understanding of biogeochemical processes, such as photosynthesis, carbon fluxes, and sediment transports in inland waters. Water-column light attenuation can be quantified by the diffuse attenuation coefficient of the downwelling irradiance (Kd) using semi-analytical algorithms (SAA). Therefore, this study demonstrates a successful application of satellite remote sensing data for the spatialization of the Kd in the optically complex waters of the Amazon Basin, which is essential for the ecological management of the Amazon Floodplain Lakes.

  • This dataset contains water quality data from BONDS's 2019 field campaign aquired in 2019.

  • This dataset contains radiometric, limnologic, and taxonomic data from LabISA’s field campaign carried out in September 2021 in the Billings reservoir, located in São Paulo State, Brazil. These data were acquired in the context of the MAPAQUALI project (FAPESP-Grant 2020/14613-8).