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Production, visualization and analysis of large volumes of remote sensing images modeled as multidimensional data cubes for the entire Brazilian territory.

New publication from Brazil Data Cube project team

The BDC project team has just published a paper in the journal IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, about a new segmentation method based on a superpixel approach, entitled “Simple Non-Linear Iterative Temporal Clustering” Access in (For now as Early Access). To see others publications from BDC team access Source: Brazil Data …

CBERS4 images mosaic of Brazil by the Brazil Data Cube Project

A CBERS4 image mosaic of Brazil was launched today by the Brazil Data Cube project team. This mosaic uses CBERS4/WFI images, surface reflectance, with 64 meters of spatial resolution. It was generated with technologies under development in the Brazil Data Cube project, using the best pixel (free from cloud and cloud shadows) chosen in a …

Virtual workshop Digital Earth Americas

Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Chile presented today (August, 19) their initiatives and experiences in creating Earth observation data cubes in a virtual workshop about Digital Earth Americas organized by CEPAL, NASA and INEGI. The workshop attendees discussed visions for a solution that provides relevant Earth observation data for the benefit of the Americas. The Brazil …

Virtual hands-on training on the classification of time series of images

On August 12, 13 and 14, 2020, the Brazil Data Cube project team conducted a virtual hands-on training on the classification of remote sensing image time series using the R package for Satellite Image Time software package Series (SITS). The training was coordinated by Dr Gilberto Camara with support from the Brazil Data Cube (BDC) …

Field Work – Luís Eduardo Magalhães/BA

Between July 20-24, 2020, collaborators of Brazil Data Cube Project carried out field work to collect samples in field to support project activities. Lucas Oldoni, doctoral student in Remote Sensing and José Guilherme Fronza, research associate of the project, master in Remote Sensing, both from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), traveled about 2904 …

Presentation of the Brazil Data Cube project at GEO VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 2020

The researchers of OBT/INPE, Karine Ferreira and Gilberto Queiroz, presented in June 16th, 2020, the results of the Brazil Data Cube project at GEO VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 2020, in the session: Leveraging Advanced Technologies – Focusing on Data Cubes. The presentation is available on the GEO – Group on Earth Observations channel on Youtube. The researchers …

Participation of the Brazil Data Cube project at GEO VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 2020

The GEO Data and Knowledge Week symposium, which would take place in Pequin, China, in February 2020, was postponed due de Coronavirus pandemic. It gave way to the GEO VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 2020 that will take place between the 15th and the 19th of June 2020 through virtual discussions and interactive webinars. Dr. Karine Ferreira and …

Brazil Data Cube - 2019 - 2025