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Production, visualization and analysis of large volumes of remote sensing images modeled as multidimensional data cubes for the entire Brazilian territory.

BDC team will attend the IGARSS-2021 Symposium this week

The BDC team will attend on July 13th the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS-2021) presenting the paper “RSTAC: An R package to access spatiotemporal asset catalog satellite imagery”. The package provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth observation data via STAC and is published in the CRAN.’ The paper and presentation will be …

BDC’s team will attend the XXIV ISPRS congress this week

The BDC team will attend the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress (XXIV ISPRS) with two paper presentations. The team will present the paper “Accessing and processing Brazilian Earth observation data cubes with the Open Data Cube platform” on July 6th and the paper “Evaluating the impact of LaSRC and Sen2cor atmospheric correction …

New publication by the Brazil Data Cube team

The associate researcher Rolf Simoes, from the Brazil Data Cube project, published the article “Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Big Earth Observation Data” at the Remote Sensing journal, with his OTG advisors Gilberto Queiroz and Gilberto Camara, and other project members. The article is the result of his PhD on Applied Computing at INPE. …

Live demonstration of SITS with SEPAL platform in the GEO-GFOI Workshop

The BDC team will present tomorrow (June, 16th) in the GEO-GFOI Workshop a live demonstration of the R package SITS (Satellite Image Time Series Analysis) running in the SEPAL platform. SITS is an open source R package for satellite image time series analysis and machine learning. It supports the complete cycle of data analysis for …

Two Landsat-8/OLI image mosaics of Brazil are available on the Brazil Data Cube Portal

Two image mosaics of Brazil was launched today by the Brazil Data Cube project team. These mosaic were generated from Landsat-8/OLI images, surface reflectance, with 30 meters of spatial resolution. These mosaics were generated by selecting best pixels (free of clouds and cloud shadows) in two periods of 6 months: (1) July 2017 to December …

New publication by the Brazil Data Cube team

Scholarship holder Lorena Santos, from the Brazil Data Cube project, published the article “Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite image time series” in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, together with her OTG advisors and project researchers, Karine Ferreira, Gilberto Camara and Michelle Picoli. “ The article is the result of …

The BDC team attended on April 15th the CSIRO event “Exploring the value and challenges of using Earth Observation Data”

The BDC team presented on April 15th the project activities in the ‘Exploring the value and challenges of using Earth Observation Data’. The workshop was aimed at members of various related organizations around EO, in countries throughout the Americas. More information at: Source: Brazil Data Cube Project

The BDC team presented on April 15th the project activities using AWS in the ‘AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2021’.

The BDC team presented on April 15th the project activities in the ‘AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2021’. At the roundtable, the BDC team will talk about their experience using AWS services to develop the Data cube builder application, which is part of the Brazilian Earth Observation Data Cube. More information at: Source: Brazil …

Brazil Data Cube - 2019 - 2024