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Production, visualization and analysis of large volumes of remote sensing images modeled as multidimensional data cubes for the entire Brazilian territory.

Earth observation data cubes for Brazil on AWS as Open Data

From January 2022, the Earth observation data cubes produced by the Brazil Data Cube project are available on AWS (Amazon Web Service) as Open Data. These data cubes are produced from Analysis-Ready Data (ARD) of CBERS-4, Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellite images for the entire region of Brazil. Based on a hierarchical tiling system, the data cubes are regular in time, created by using a temporal compositing function to select the best pixel (free of cloud and cloud shadow) in each period (e.g. a month or 16 days).

For information about the Brazil Data Cube project data products on AWS as Open Data access:

AWS is a powerful cloud computing environment. In addition to providing data sponsorship support (, AWS provides Earth on AWS Research Credits for anyone who is interested doing research using Earth Observation or other geospatial data on AWS. More information at:

Source: Projeto Brazil Data Cube.

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