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Production, visualization and analysis of large volumes of remote sensing images modeled as multidimensional data cubes for the entire Brazilian territory.

Participate in the demonstration of the data and software products of the BDC project in the Workshop “Agro: Technologies and Spatial Applications”

The Brazil Data Cube project team will demonstrate their data and software products at the Workshop “Agro: Technologies and Space Applications” and will take place on May 24, 2022, at the SENAI Events Center Cuiabá, MT, with an opening ceremony scheduled for 8:00 am.

The event is idealized by the Brazilian Space Agency and organized in partnership with UFMT, SENAI-MT, FIEMT, Mato Grosso Technological Park and the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (SECITECI-MT).

Attend the face-to-face event. You can purchase the free invitation through the link:

Source: Brazil Data Cube team.

Brazil Data Cube - 2019 - 2025