The Brazil Data Cube team will attend the MundoGEO Connect event, tomorrow, August 19th, at 2 pm. The lecture about the project will be in the panel: Images, Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning, with the theme: “Brazil Data Cube Project: Image data cubes, big data, time series analysis and machine learning”. The event is …
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The BDC team will attend on July 13th the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS-2021) presenting the paper “RSTAC: An R package to access spatiotemporal asset catalog satellite imagery”. The package provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth observation data via STAC and is published in the CRAN.’ The paper and presentation will be …
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The BDC team will present tomorrow (June, 16th) in the GEO-GFOI Workshop a live demonstration of the R package SITS (Satellite Image Time Series Analysis) running in the SEPAL platform. SITS is an open source R package for satellite image time series analysis and machine learning. It supports the complete cycle of data analysis for …
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The BDC team presented on April 21th the project activities in the ‘GEO-OGC Data Cubes Workshop’ towards Data Cube Interoperability. The videos from the speakers will be made public soon at the GEO Youtube channel. Source: Brazil Data Cube Project
The BDC team presented on April 15th the project activities in the ‘Exploring the value and challenges of using Earth Observation Data’. The workshop was aimed at members of various related organizations around EO, in countries throughout the Americas. More information at: Source: Brazil Data Cube Project
The BDC team presented on April 15th the project activities in the ‘AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2021’. At the roundtable, the BDC team will talk about their experience using AWS services to develop the Data cube builder application, which is part of the Brazilian Earth Observation Data Cube. More information at: Source: Brazil …