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Production, visualization and analysis of large volumes of remote sensing images modeled as multidimensional data cubes for the entire Brazilian territory.

Brazil Data Cube project team


Karine Reis Ferreira


Karine Reis Ferreira is PhD in Applied Computer by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil. She works at INPE since 2003 on researching in geoinformatics and on geographic information systems (GIS) development. She is professor of the Applied Computer Graduate Course at INPE and her main research topic is representation, processing and analysis of big spatiotemporal data and temporal GIS development.

Gilberto R. de Queiroz


MSc. and PhD in Applied Computing from INPE, researcher at INPE’s since 2003 in geoinformatics developing geographic information systems (GIS). Since 2005, he has been an Associate Professor of spatial databases at INPE, focused on the development of geotechnologies.

Brazil Data Cube

The objective of the project is to create multidimensional data cubes ready for analysis from medium resolution images of Earth observation satellites, for the entire Brazilian territory and generate land use and land cover information from these data cubes using learning analysis and time series analysis of satellite images.


Claudio Almeida


Graduated in Agronomy (UFRRJ), MSc. in Remote Sensing (INPE) and PhD in Geomatics (Université de Montpellier, France). Senior technologist at INPE, is currently Coordinator of Amazon Monitoring Program and other Biomes. Operates in Amazon Rainforest Monitoring and transfer of Forest Monitoring Technology to tropical countries.

Gilberto Camara


Researcher on Geoinformatics, GIScience, and Land Use Science in the Image Processing Division of INPE, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research. He is currently Director of the Secretariat of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), where is working to develop Open Science practices to help developing nations to use Earth observation data for improving societal well-being and sustainable development practices.

Ieda Del’Arco


Agronomist (ESALQ / USP), MSc in Remote Sensing (INPE) and PhD in Earth Science (Massey University, New Zealand). Researcher at INPE’s Remote Sensing Division.

Leila Fonseca


Works at INPE since 1985. Electrical Engineer, MSc Electrical Engineer and Computing (ITA) and PhD Applied Computing (INPE). Has experience in Computer Science, PDI, acting mainly in Remote Sensing with emphasis on land user and cover mapping, radiometric evaluation and correction of satellite images, multi-resolution and multi-temporal images analysis, images analysis based on objects, time series and data mining.

Lubia Vinhas


Bachelor in Computer Science with PhD in Geoinformatics. Researcher at INPE since 1997 and currently Head of the Earth Observation General-Coordination. She is a professor and advisor in INPE’s Applied Computer Program. Her research interests are geographic databases, Remote Sensing applied for land user and land cover mapping and big data mining platforms.

Luis Maurano


Graduated in Computer Science ( Mackenzie University) and MSc in Remote Sensing (INPE). Senior technologist at INPE’s Image Processing Division.

Pedro Andrade


Graduated in Computer Science form UFLA, MSc in Informatics from UFPR and PhD in Applied Computer from INPE. Since 2009 is a technologist at INPE’s Earth System Science Center. He is the main head of development of the TerraME modeling platform. Has experience in Computer Science, focusing on Social Simulation, Geoinformatics and Environmental Modeling.

Ricardo Cartaxo


Graduated in Electronic Engineer from ITA. Senior technologist at INPE’s Image Processing Division with a 40-year experience developing in Geoinformatics software.

Thales S. Körting


Researcher at INPE, PhD in Remote Sensing, with MSc in Applied Computer (both titles obtained form INPE). Also is a computer engineer from FURG. He works with segmentation and classification of remote sensing images, multi-temporal analysis, data mining and artificial intelligence.

Associate Researchers

Baggio L. C. Silva


Bachelor’s degree in Computational Mathematics, graduated from Universidade Federal Fluminense, master’s degree in Applied Computing from the National Institute for Space Research, with a specialization in Geospatial Data Science. He has knowledge of programming languages such as: C / C ++, Java, Python, R, Shell Script, and High Performance Computing. He is currently a Master’s student in Applied Computing at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

Felipe Souza


He has a degree in Systems Analysis and Development from the Faculty of Technology of São José dos Campos (2018) and a master’s degree in Applied Computing from the National Institute for Space Research (2021).

Development Team

Abner Anjos

Systems Developer

Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development from the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo (FATEC). Master Degree Student in Applied Computing and Web Developer for geographic data applications using Angular, PostGIS, Geoserver, Java, Python Flask, Django and Jupyter Notebook, as well as knowledge of programming and database management.

Claudinei Carmago

Systems Developer

Postgraduate degree in Web Systems Development (2013) and graduation in Computer Science from the Salesiana University of Lorena (2007). He has experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Web Development

Fabiana Zioti

Systems Developer

Bachelor in computer science by IFSULDEMINAS. Currently a master’s student in Applied Computing by INPE in the geoinformatics area and geographic databases, and developer on the Brazil Data Cube Project.

Gabriel Sansigolo

Systems Developer

Technician in Computing with emphasis on Web Design and Technologist in System Analysis and Development with MSc in Applied Computing by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Currently is developer on the Brazil Data Cube Project.

Jeferson Arcanjo

Systems Developer

Graduated in Computing from University of Vale do Paraíba and MSc in Computer Science from Federal University of São Paulo. Has experience in Computing focusing (with emphasis) on geographic information systems (GIS) and satellite images processing systems and stations. Currently is developer on the Brazil Data Cube Project.

Raphael Costa

Systems Developer

Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development at FATEC São José dos Campos. Has experience in spatial databases and developing web services for geographic information systems (GIS). Currently is developer on the Brazil Data Cube Project.

Rennan Marujo

Systems Developer

Graduated in Computer Science from Federal University of Lavras, with MSc in Remote Sensing and PhD in Applied Computer, both titles obtained from INPE. Currently is developer on the Brazil Data Cube Project.

Project Management

Luciana Mamede

Geoprocessing Specialist

Architect and Urbanist with an MBA in Project Management. She has experience in implementation and management of geotechnology projects focused on urban and environmental areas, funded with national and international resources.

PhD students

Flávio Belizário

PhD student

Bachelor in Information Systems and Master in Computer Science and Technology from UNIFEI. Currently, is a Ph.D. student in Applied Computing at INPE, researching the application of Machine Learning techniques in the analysis of time series of geospatial data cubes in Brazil.

Leonardo Vieira

PhD student

Graduated in computer science by IFSULDEMINAS, master and PHD student in Applied Computer by INPE, in the area of geographic databases and geoinformatics.

Marcos Lima Rodrigues

PhD student

Bachelor in Scientific Computing by UNITAU (2006), specialization in Technologies and Information Systems by Federal University of ABC (2015). Master and PhD student in Applied Computing at INPE (2018). Experience in Geosciences, with an emphasis on Meteorology and Remote Sensing.

Master Degree Students

Pedro V. da S. Brito

Master Degree Student

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Applied Computing at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Develops land use and land cover mapping products using hyperspectral remote sensing image processing, utilizing data science techniques such as machine learning and deep learning.

Former Members

Alana Neves
Alana Neves

Was a collaborator of the project between
Apr 1, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021.

Alber Sanches
Alber Sanches

Was a collaborator of the project between
Oct 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022.

Anderson Soares
Anderson Soares

Was a collaborator of the project between
Jun 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2020.

Carlos Alberto Noronha

Was a collaborator of the project between
May 20, 2019 to Aug 20, 2021.

Felipe Carlos
Felipe Carlos

Was a collaborator of the project between

José Guilherme Fronza

Was a collaborator of the project between
Feb 1, 2020 to Apr 30, 2021.

Luana Becker da Luz

Was a collaborator of the project between
Feb 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022.

Lorena Santos

Was a collaborator of the project between
Mar 1, 2020 to Oct 31, 2021.

Matheus Zaglia

Was a collaborator of the project between
Mar 1, 2020 to May 28, 2021.

Michelle Picoli

Was a collaborator of the project between
Jan 1, 2019 to Jan 31, 2021.

Rodrigo Brito Ferreira

Was collaborator of the project between
Jun 1, 2020 to Mar 1 , 2021.

Mateus Macul

Was a collaborator of the project between
Feb, 2022 to Sep, 2022.

Wesley Campanharo

Was a collaborator of the project between

Rolf Simões

Associate Researcher

Lucas Oldoni

PhD students

Vitor Gomes

PhD students

Yuri Domaradzki  

Master Degree Students

Gabriel Koyama

Master Degree Students

Rogério Flores 

PhD students

Brazil Data Cube - 2019 - 2025