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  • This collection contains images from the CBERS-4/MUX over Brazil. The data is processed by the Disasters Charter and provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG). This products has four spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red and NIR.

  • Earth Observation Data Cube generated from Copernicus Sentinel-2/MSI Level-2A product over Brazil extension. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 10 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_SM grid Version 2 (BDC_SM V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 16 days using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.

  • This dataset contains water quality data from BONDS's 2019 field campaign aquired in 2019.

  • Sentinel-2 image mosaic of Brazilian Paraíba State with 10m of spatial resolution. The mosaic was prepared to support the partnership between the INPE's Health Information Investigation Laboratory (LiSS) and the Federal University of Paraíba's Public Policy Studies Program for Early Childhood Education (NEPPS) by supporting the development of the COVID 19/PB Platform: Relations between Health, Territory and Social Protection in times of sanitary crisis, which created the Platform Covid-19/Paraíba: Social and Health Indicator Observatory for SUS and SUAS management. The false color composition is based on the MSI bands 8, 4 and 3 assigned to RGB channels. The temporal composition encompasses 03-months of images, starting in November 2019 and ending in January 2020, with a best pixel selection approach called Least Cloud Cover First (LCF). More information on LCF can be found at Brazil Data Cube web site ( This Image Mosaic used more than 800 Sentinel-2 scenes and was generated based on an existing Sentinel-2 image collection.

  • Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products (, consisting of atmospherically corrected surface reflectance ( and surface temperature ( image data. Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products are available from August 22, 1982 to present. This dataset represents the Brazilian archive of Level-2 data from Landsat Collection 2 ( acquired by the Thematic Mapper ( onboard Landsat 4 and 5, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper ( onboard Landsat 7, and Operatational Land Imager ( and Thermal Infrared Sensor ( onboard Landsat 8 and 9. Images are stored in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF ( format.

  • This land cover classification refers to a study area in Mato Grosso state, in the Cerrado biome. For this map, the CBERS-4/AWFI monthly data cube was used, with a spatial resolution of 64 meters, using the best pixel composition function (Stack). This experiment uses the time series of an agricultural calendar year, from September 2018 to August 2019, extracted from the CBERS-4/AWFI data cube. The classification was made using 852 samples (Annual Crop: 257; Natural Vegetation: 245; Pasture: 216; Semi-Perennial Crop: 134) and the following data cube bands: bands red, green, blue, and near-infrared along with the EVI, NDVI, GEMI, GNDVI, NDWI2, PVR indices. We trained a multi-layer perceptron for a deep learning classification network to classify the data cube using sits R package. To access this resource in GeoTIFF format it is necessary to have an access key provided by the BDC-OAuth service.

  • This collection contains images from the WFI sensor onboard the satellites CBERS-4, CBERS-4A and AMAZONIA-1 over Brazil. The data is processed by the Disasters Charter and provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and uses the following RGB composition R:NIR, G:Red, B:Green.

  • This collection contains images from the pancromatic sensor on board the satellite CBERS-4 over Brazil. The data is processed by the Disasters Charter and provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and uses the following RGB composition R:Red, G:Nir, B:Green.

  • Copernicus Sentinel-3/OLCI Level-1B product OL_1_EFR (EO processing mode for Full Resolution) over Brazil extension.